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Showing posts from June, 2012

Tips To Study The Right Way: Exam Comes Up In Few Weeks

Determination: Be determined. No study material comes with the package of motivation.  Textbooks are so boring that i searched for video tutorials then i discovered anything that has to do with studying is automatically redirected to that part of the brain that screams BORING!!!. I wish i knew how to fix that easily. Determination is the KEY TO SUCCESS. No matter how tiring and boring conclude in your heart you wanna get this done and JUST DO IT!

Student Week: Costume Party Pictures

Student Week Evolution Reloaded

Loading..... Hot gist coming up real soon.. Sorry Wusto Parolz, 4gho parolz what ever u call it haven't been updated lately, It'z due to lack of fast internet within the school premises, but now we got it all figured out! !!...  And just for your information 4ghoparolz now gives permission to who so ever that wants to showcase, share any form of gist, story, information and u can also show ur self. *nb (Pictures can als o be sent too) Email - or tweet @ 4wes leyans