Determination: Be determined. No study material
comes with the package of motivation. Textbooks are so boring that i
searched for video tutorials then i discovered anything that has to do
with studying is automatically redirected to that part of the brain that
screams BORING!!!. I wish i knew how to fix that easily. Determination
is the KEY TO SUCCESS. No matter how tiring and boring conclude in your
heart you wanna get this done and JUST DO IT!
Be Inspired: Inspiration goes a long way in
preparing your mind for the task ahead. So many things inspire us to do
greatness. A friend’s failure,A brother’s success,That guy in school
getting all the chics cos he helps them with their home-work
. Go discover what inspires you today!
Choose right study material: Another essential part
to studying effectively is getting the right study materials. You can’t
get materials for Geography and say you wanna study for medicine can
you? lol
. Get the right books for your course,ask your lecturer for recommendations and get them.
Get A Comfortable Environment: Get somewhere quiet
and free from distractions with good chair with great back support so
you dont strain your neck and back. NOTE: Do not get too comfortable and
sleep off oooo!
Allot 2 – 3 hours exclusively to STUDY: Getting the right materials is the first and easiest step. Now get your hands in the mud and say #ImGoingIn
. Actually set 2-3hours to study,not read. Studying requires a greater
level of concentration to assimilate and be able to reproduce what you
just read.
Turn off TV/Cell phone: To be honest, I hate this part!
No TV? No phone calls? What if aliens are invading earth and my
friends wanna inform me? Or my favorite brand of chocolate is about to
go out of stocks?…Yeah its hard but its neccessary(i still battle with
this though
). Like i said earlier Studying is different from Reading. That
concentration needs to be maximized. So go ahead turn the phone off and
watch time fly while the book engulfs you into the realm of Einstein
Give yourself a treat: I know studying is boring yup it iz! After 3hours of blah blah blah c’mon lets have some fun! Go swim or hang out with the crew
Afterall they say all work and no play make Arab a Nerd. I dont mind being a nerd though but for d next 5years? No sir!
I got chics to play with booze to drown in and parties to rock
. I wanna sing “I LOVE COLLEGE ” like Asher Roth too
I hope y’all find these tips helpful cos i do. Good luck on your Academic Endeavors! God Bless Us
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